What was God’s image of the world?

The image God had of the world before creation is rather different from the world we see today. The present world, which is marked by so many crises threatening life is rather the work of human selfishness and not exactly according to God’s plan. Injustice, hunger, lack of water and food, the environmental crisis, are not part of the plan of God for the world. God thought of a perfect world where life without end should be the condition for every man and every woman.

The author of the life of Genesis expressed this beautifully in the stories of creation that are in the first chapters of his book (chapters 1 and 2). To remember (which in its Latin root means to bring back to the heart) this image that God had, and still has, of the world, is very important for us. Only thus will we be able to contribute to the recreation and realization of the world where subsistence of life is ensured. This is also the best way to give thanks for this wonderful gift that is creation of each one of us.



11 Feb13:47

People need to understand

By Gabriela

People need to understand that we are doing harm to the world with whatever new thing comes out. We have become materialistic people who only care of having the brand new things that comes out the next day. Animals are in danger as well as the environment we have caused all this because we care more of other things then nature and what God gave us. We should thank God for what we have because in other parts of the world like Africa don’t have much, people and children die because they don’t have too many resources like us, hardly medicine. There are a lot of poor people everywhere including where we are so just help the world be the way God wanted. You make a difference when you help.


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