Why is religion against science?


Religion is not really against science. Religion and science are both called to build a fruitful dialogue in favor of the humanization of our world. For this dialogue to take place both religion and science must live a deep transformation and be humble, mutual and co-responsible. In our concrete case Christianity needs to overcome a magical way of thinking and must avoid a fundamentalist reading of the Bible. It must approach the reading of the Bible in a way that takes into account the sacramental, metaphorical, and non scientific nature of this sacred book. The Bible is not a treatise of Geography or Biology even if it contains some geographical and biological data. It must be read in faith rather than attempting to reconcile it to the scientific knowledge of our time. On its part science must accept that there are ways of knowledge that are beyond the purely scientific knowledge. Among those other forms of knowledge is faith. By faith we come to know God whose existence cannot be scientifically proven because it belongs to the areas of mystery and sacrament of existence. This topic is very complex and it requires more space. But this is a first approach to an answer to your question.


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