Pleasing God: it only sounds difficult

Pleasing God. It sounds good but difficult. I imagine that pleasing God could be a heavy duty task. And yet let us remember when we started to dance. It might have been to impress a girl we liked. Why did we start smoking? Perhaps to please a group of friends…Speaking frankly, many people get into difficult environments or situations simply to please a group of friends, even if those actions bring about bad consequences.

Pleasing God is not as difficult as it seems. It is really as simple as taking a soda, or combing your hair in the morning.

How is that? We can do it in the simplest way. The best way to explain it is to say that if we do everything in the presence of God and offer it up to God, it is likely to be pleasing to him. Remember that when we sing a song to our girlfriend, she is glad and thankful. When we help out in the kitchen, our mom might be thankful and glad for the help. If we get a good grade, even the teacher is happy to know that his work is giving fruit for a better future.

So, whatever we do, we need to offer it to God. I am sure that when we start to offer our studies, our work, our final exam, our sickness, our joys, our triumphs, our games against other school…everything will be pleasing to God and it is automatic: if we offer our actions to God, we won’t do wrong, because the spirit will move us to do things that are pleasing to God and good for us and those near us.

It is as simple and easy that it will feel as second nature. Try it and you will get used to it and you will feel good about yourself and you will know that God is not far. You will be convinced that God always walks by our side.

Do not doubt. It might seem too simple, but it is an easy and sure way to get the trust and faith you need to fight for God and for his Glory.  May God bless you and fill you with the Holy Spirit.


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